Software licence purchasing information

A 10 [or 30] user licence entitles 10 [or 30] pupils to use the sure q for higher biology software within your school or educational institution without limit of time. This licence also entitles the pupils attending your school or educational institution to use the software at home. Additional individual user licences can be purchased subsequently.

A site licence entitles your school or educational institution to use sure q for higher biology on any number of machines on your premises without limit of time. This licence also entitles the pupils attending your school or educational institution to use the software at home.

If you would like to purchase a licence for any of our products you can send a purchase order to

Counting Thoughts Ltd
Third floor
87 Carlton Place
Glasgow G5 9TD

or simply get in touch with us by phone: +44(0)141 429 7213 or email: